Self Love & Money: How to Create Abundance in All Areas of Your Life
Discover the ways you unconsciously block abundance.
Watch the video or listen to the audio of the full healing circle.
Running time 1 hour, 16 minutes.
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Journaling Questions Used:
How was money talked about or treated when I was growing up?
How have these experiences affected or shaped my current financial situation?
Do I agree with these sentiments or do I want to make my own choice about my beliefs around money and abundance?
What feelings or emotions that come up when I think about money and abundance?
Are these the feelings I want to have? If not, what feelings do I want to have about money and abundance?
What do I notice about what has been blocking me from abundance?
What is my intuition telling me is my next right step?
About the Host:
Amelia Fortes is a professional speaker, host, hypnotherapist, and intuitive self love coach. She founded Self Love Story™ to empower women and create the profound experience of self love world wide. Each year, she speaks in front of thousands all over the United States empowering them to make better life decisions and see the world.
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