Self Love & Money: Up Level Your Money Mindset

Tax Day is coming up I hope you get your sh*t together in time.

April is Financial Literacy Month in the United States and it is always a great time of year to reflect on your money conversation.

No matter what your current financial status is, you can always up level your mindset.

I started really looking at my money mindset and conversation about 10 years ago when I was working on Wall Street.

Even though I made a lot of money, the source of that money wasn't something I was passionate about. I yearned for more creativity and a work environment that made me feel alive.

Then, I started making money by traveling around the United States and speaking on stages to hundreds and sometimes thousands of college students & professionals.

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That source of income was from a much better place but I quickly realized how irresponsible I could be with my spending. I was also so avoidant of money in a very unhealthy way.

That journey led to much deeper healing and growth as I explored all the ways my upbringing impacted my sense of self-worth and abundance mindset.

I've been all around the map with my money conversation and it is something I am very passionate about helping others navigate.

I still have a long way to go before I can say I am truly financially free however, I've come extremely far and I'd love for the opportunity to help you do the same.

When it comes to MONEY & FINANCES, where are you on a scale of 1-10?

  • I'm in the red! (0 or less) Somebody help ASAP.

  • The low end (1-3). I have some awareness on where I might be stuck but, I'm struggling with this and could really use some support.

  • Somewhere in the middle (4-6). I'm doing okay. I've come a long way in this area but, I know there's a lot more room to grow. OR - I have enough money but the source of my income isn't from the best place possible.

  • The high end (7-9). I've been working on this hardcore lately and I'm confident I either already have (or have access to) the resources I need to take this to a 10 or above.

  • I've got this DOWN! (10 or above). I'm perfect in this area. There is nothing more I need to learn.

If you answered anything less than a 10, I'd love to support you.

For the month of April, I'm offering a special 3-month Self Love & Money Spotlight Coaching package to help take you to the next level.

(This includes pre-work and post-work to help you tie everything together).

When you mention you have read this blog, I will give you 10% off your coaching package.

Take your hard earned money (or refund check) and invest it in your future.

Got questions before signing up?

Send me an email OR book a free consultation.


For two years, I worked directly with Robert Kiyosaki (best selling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad) to teach wealthy mindset to students and professionals everywhere.

Now, I want to help you.

Got Qs? I've got As.
Book your free consultation now.


If you're ready to jump in right now and level up, book your Self Love & Money Spotlight Coaching package before this special pricing ends.

Whatever you need, I'm here for you.

Lots of love,

Want to take this conversation of loving yourself even deeper?

Join the Courageous Self-Love Healing Circle, a virtual healing circle that happens on Zoom every Tuesday at 4pm Pacific / 7pm Eastern.

Here is the link to join >>> I'm a self-love warrior!

More self-love resources for you:

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